BlueBay Hotels brings hospitality innovation to different events throughout Spain

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JUL 2024
JUL 2024


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BlueBay Hotels brings hospitality innovation to different events throughout Spain

From the hand of its Innovation Consultant, Jimmy Pons, comes the hotel chain's recap of the latest developments in technology in the tourism sector and its roadmap in this area

The BlueBay Hotels chain has focused on innovation as one of its main objectives now and as future strategy, establishing a roadmap to implement it in their hotels. To start off, the first step has been to share their experiences in different areas, in the spirit of fostering collaboration and open innovation.

And so, the Innovation Consultant, Jimmy Pons, who joined BlueBay as part of its commitment to a realistic innovation to be implemented beyond theory and according to requirements, has led the chain to participate in several events throughout Spain these months. The great objective: to show how the world is changing in terms of innovation and what direction is BlueBay working in.

Jimmy Pons, Innovation Maker of the company, has participated as a speaker at events organized by Technovation (Palma de Mallorca), INEDE Business School (Valencia), Pedro Zaragoza Ortis Chair of Tourist Studies of the University of Alicante (Benidorm), Rethink Hotel (Salou), Congress of Digital Tourism of Gran Canaria (Las Palmas) and VII Week of Social Networking and Communications in Castilla y Leon (Valladolid).

Through an entertaining presentation, Jimmy Pons conducted a review on the emotional technology that will change the way we work and communicate, and on how robotics is changing the tourism sector.

Thus, due to the frenetic change that is occurring, BlueBay has decided to establish a roadmap of action based on open innovation and collaboration, all shared with those attending the lectures and conferences.

Among other developments, Pons stressed that BlueBay Hotels is already working on aspects such as videos in 360 degrees and research in technologies of facial and emotional recognition for a pilot program to measure the degree of happiness of customers in the chain's hotels.

The BlueBay road map is based on 10 pillars that will evolve and adjust to the needs of the chain: open innovation and change management - executive leadership and mindfullness - study of new business models - going beyond branding - creating and customizing products looking for the sale of experiences and emotions with a focus on promoting deseasonalisation (especially in holiday tourism) - corporate social responsibility and sustainability - marketing, communication, sales and strategy of Brand ambassadors - promoting internal talent - customer journey - new technological trends (emotional technology, robotics among others).

This roadmap has been launched in the chain externally but also, and especially, internally, going beyond the digital transformation. BlueBay Hotels is aware that only the conviction of all internal customers (from top management to base employees), will make it possible to change the corporate culture and achieve success when innovation comes to be implemented in the DNA of the company on all levels.

Profile: A pioneer in tourism 2.0, Jimmy Pons is an entrepreneur with over 20 years experience in Innovation and the Internet. BlueBay has seeked in Pons the intrapreneurship model, to work inside and outside the company with the aim of having the ability to research, share and collaborate with other experts to then implement the knowledge inside.

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