Mingle with the locals: discover the local customs of Mexico

There is a saying that says “When in Rome do as the Romans do ” and that indicates the importance of adapting to the customs of the citizens of the country we visit. Only in this way can we truly enjoy a destination, discovering its true essence.

In addition, by getting involved in the way of life of the locals we will show a respect and an interest that will make them perceive us as something more than just tourists.

Today we are going to focus on several Mexican customs that you can put into practice during your visit and that will enrich your trip.

The first thing you have to know is that almost the entire population speaks Spanish while 8% speaks in indigenous languages. If you don’t speak Spanish, it is always interesting that you learn some expression to better integrate yourself.

They are a people that have a deep-rooted concept of family and are quite religious. More than 80% declare themselves Catholic and many of its most important festivals, such as the Virgin of Guadalupe (December, 12) refer to religious events.

Mexicans are also quite expressive and affectionate. They hand out hugs and kisses naturally so don’t feel awkward if you get any.


At lunchtime you will have to know something more than the word “tacos” because they have infinite varieties of doughs and filling so maybe you will have to be more specific.

The food culture it is so important that they even feed their dead. It is a tradition that once a year a food offering is made to the death since it is believed that they are still around.

In addition, if during your stay there you feel unwell, it is likely that they will offer you some tea or medicinal herb, instead of a pill, since the Mexican people cultivate natural remedies for all kinds of diseases.



As you can see, the folklore in this country is enormous and it is worth discovering it in depth. Make the most of your trip resting in a hotel with all the comforts and luxuries, such as BlueBay Grand Esmeralda *****, located in the beautiful Playa del Carmen and where you can enjoy experiences like bathing in natural cenotes.

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